Tag Archive for: Digital Archives

Oregon Freemason – 1948

Just finished scanning and compiling the 1948 Oregon Freemason.  The Oregon Freemason was what the Grand Lodge of Oregon Oregon Masonic News replaced.

This file is fully searchable by key word.

Just select Control-F and type in your lodge, surname or key word.

Oregon Freemason Magazine

GLO – Digital Archives New Addition

The Library and Museum Committee is very excited to announce the upload to the GLO Digital Archives the GLO History Volumes 1-3.

Grand Lodge of Oregon History Volume 1-3 


New: Grand Lodge of Oregon GLO Digital Archives Topical Index

The MWB Robert M. Richmond Memorial Library and Museum is very proud to share the new GLO Digital Archives Topical Index.


The GLO Library and Museum Committee have been working on this new index to replace the old Digital Archives for over a year.

This Digital Archives will be using very large Digital Digests and direct links to GLO Museum Accession Numbers within the archives.  Many of these files are very large so patience is needed when researching.

The entire GLO Lodge History folders are now available within the index which took over a week to upload.  This directory alone was over 280 GB.


GLO Library and Museum Committee