OES Forty – First Annual Session (1930)

Forty – First Annual Session (1930)
Grand Chapter O. E. S. of Ore

This is photographed in front of the old Mark Building in Portland Oregon.

To my knowledge this long photograph of this Convention is the only one in existence.

Found in the lodge of Tillamook No. 57 during a trip for their 150th Anniversary.














Tillamook No. 57 – 150th / Silver Wave No. 18 OES

During a visit to Tillamook No. 57 in Tillamook Oregon many photographs were taken of history inside of the lodge. This trip was to participate in the 150th Celebration of 150 years of Tillamook No. 57 as a lodge. The local Chapter Silver Wave No. 18 had a table with many of their photographs of by gone years. Enjoy