Masonic Analyst Magazine 1927 – 1939

Masonic Analyst Magazine from 1927-1939   LINK  is now available for viewing and downloading.  This series of scans in pdf format is fully searchable by keyword.

Masonic Analyst Magazine began with its first issue in 1923 and ran until the name was changed to
Oregon Mason in 1943 and then to Oregon Freemason. It is believed that this magazine was the same
magazine printed throughout the decades just with different names until the Oregon Masonic News was
created in 1983.


Masonic Analyst

Temp Inventory #7-25-24
Archival # 2024-000-470

Below is an inventory that the Grand Lodge of Oregon Library and Museum has of the Masonic Analyst.

1923 None
1924 None
1925 None
1926 None
1927 Missing Jan-June
1928 Full Set
1929 Missing Aug-Sept
1930 Missing Jan and Dec
1931 Full Set
1932 Full Set
1933 Full Set
1934 Full Set
1935 Full Set
1936 Full Set
1937 Missing May, July-Oct
1938 Missing Jan, Mar-Apr, Jul, Oct
1939 Missing Jan, April-Aug, Oct-Dec.
1940 None
1941 None
1942 None

As of 8-16-24
Total of pages = 2615

A Century of Masonic Purpose 1951

The Grand Lodge of Oregon at the 1951 Annual Communication had the newly assigned Centennial Committee give a report on the progress of the upcoming September 1951 Centennial.

As a side note many Masonic Lodges in the Oregon Jurisdiction each were preparing for their own 100th Centennial Observance. In many of the lodge historical files held within the archives of the museum of the Grand Lodge of Oregon can be found the individual lodge centennial programs.


In 1951 an address was given at the Oregon City Senior Hight School.  The program was called, “A Century of Masonic Purpose”.

A Century of Masonic Purpose
An Address Upon the 100th Anniversary of the
Founding of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons of Oregon

W. R. May
Editor Co-Publisher
Oregon City, Oregon

Location was
Oregon City Senior Hight School

September 15, 1951

Paper PDF

Digital Archives Grand Lodge of Oregon Centennial Observance 1951 Oregon City 1951 J. C. Wilkinson Files D9 295, 297-318, 329

You can access the above J. C. Wilkinson File at  Digital Archive Digest No. D9


GLO Digital Archives Index – New Addition

Recently several three ring binders from the 1940’s surfaced created by PGM Carl Patterson.  His detailed typed notes on the creation and management of the Education Fund and Building Association is very detailed.  The reasoning and use of these notes are at this time not clear.

Two new additions to the GLO Digital Archives.  The Building Association which was a sub-committee to raise money and build Masonic Temples in the Portland Oregon area.

The ongoing collection of Education Fund records is growing all the time.  The new addition to the Digital Archives is enlightening.


Building Association

Building Association GLO  


Education Fund

GLO Education Fund 

Digital Archives Topical Index – Updated with Digest No. 10


Very interesting collection within the 600+ pages of Digest No. 10.  Evolution of the Topical History of Grand Lodge of Oregon was through out this collection of papers from the first Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of Oregon J. C. Wilkinson.


Digital Archive – Menu added to main Library and Museum Page

The GLO Library and Museum Page link to the Digital Archives is now available on the menu.

Digital Archive Index – New Digest Available

The GLO Digital Archive Topical Digest No. 8 is now available for viewing.  Index is located at back of the document.

You can access this specific Digest No. 8 along with the other 7 at the below link.


You can also search the GLO Digital Archive Topical Index that works with the Digests at the below link.



New: Grand Lodge of Oregon GLO Digital Archives Topical Index

The MWB Robert M. Richmond Memorial Library and Museum is very proud to share the new GLO Digital Archives Topical Index.


The GLO Library and Museum Committee have been working on this new index to replace the old Digital Archives for over a year.

This Digital Archives will be using very large Digital Digests and direct links to GLO Museum Accession Numbers within the archives.  Many of these files are very large so patience is needed when researching.

The entire GLO Lodge History folders are now available within the index which took over a week to upload.  This directory alone was over 280 GB.


GLO Library and Museum Committee