3.5.7. – Explained

Over the years of compiling and sharing information concerning the Grand Lodge of Oregon and information on general Freemasonry it became apparent that one source for Masonic Light was needed.  This is why 3.5.7. was created.

Ancient Craft of Freemasonry

GLO – Pedia

One place to go for Masonic Light instead of searching from one random website source to another.

Accuracy is the goal.  No opinion pieces will be found at 3.5.7. just history, statistics and locations on the internet for reliable sources of Masonic Light.

3.5.7 is not a Grand Lodge of Oregon sponsored website.  This is a private project maintained by Johnny J. Edwards.  PM Union NO. 3.

GLO – List of lodges and who they sponsored

I have added a new item to 3.5.7.
“List of lodges and who they sponsored”.  This is taken from the GLO Proceedings
Salem 4 ranks #1 with the most sponsors with Willamette 2 coming in with a close 2nd.