Program October 6, 2022 Beaverton No. 100

There will be a program given at Beaverton No. 100 on October 6, 2022 Titled, “MWB Robert M. Richmond Memorial Library and Museum Grand Lodge of Oregon Digital Archives – Online Resources” This is a Tiled meeting which begins @ 7PM.

From 2015-Current there has been major changes with Grand Lodge of Oregon Library and Museum.  This program will share the evolution of these changes and what is now available online for all to use.

Topical History of the Grand Lodge of Oregon A. F. and A. M. 1951

Topical History of the Grand Lodge of Oregon A. F. and A. M. 1951
Control Number 2021-000-097

Description: Topical History of the Grand Lodge of Oregon A. F. and A. M. 1951

In 1951 John C. Wilkinson was the Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of Oregon A. F. and A. M. for 24 years. He was also our first Grand Historian. He took it upon himself to gather all known records into one volume which he called, “Topical History of the Grand Lodge of Oregon A. F. and A. M.”

This historical volume is believed to have been the back bone to the Grand Lodge of Oregon A. F. and A. M. History Volume 1.

This volume has been out of print for over 60 years.

The GLO Museum has three copies and I know of only one other person who has a copy.

This digital copy has taken many months to create, and it is intended to be shared with all Brothers of the Ancient Craft.

This digital book is searchable by key word.