MWB Berryman Jennings – Annual Wreath Laying
Every year a wreath laying ceremony occurs at the gravesite of our first Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Berryman Jennings.
In 1897 the Grand Lodge of Oregon while in Annual Communication began the process of having a suitable monument for our first Grand Master created and installed at the unmarked grave of MWB Berryman Jennings. In 1898 the committee assigned by the Grand Lodge of Oregon to install the marker finished their project with a handsome marker in honor of our first GM.
In 1910 the Grand Lodge of Oregon Proceedings show that a $5.00 budget was given to the care of MWB Jennings grave which today would be around $150.00. The budget for the care of PGM Jennings grave continued until the last entry in 1915. Further research needs to occur within the budget to see if the yearly budget for the care of the grave continued after 1915 or stopped.
In 1952 the Grand Master of California MWB Louis C. Drapeau visited Oregon for the purpose of laying a wreath at the grave of MWB Jennings.
Recently several photographs surfaced showing many people boarding buses and also pictures around the grave of Berryman Jennings.
With the help of Grand Lodge of Oregon History Committee Chairman Worshipful Brother Michael Robinson a name was placed with at least one of these men in the picture.
The pictured Grand Master on the left is Ralph Nesbitt 1951-52.
It is not clear at this time if these series of photographs are from the wreath laying from the Grand Master of California’s visit in 1952. The dates appear to match very closely so it might be the pictures of this occasion. With the Grand Lodge of California Flag in the background of one of these pictures I think it can be safe to say that these pictures are from that moment in history.
Each year in May the Grand Lodge of Oregon decorates MWB Berryman Jennings grave site.
WB Michael Robinson’s paper on the life of our first Grand Master of Oregon is a wonderful insight into Brother Jennings life.
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